CPR Invest - Climate Action
ISIN: LU1902444238
As of
Video: 1:40 mins - invest for your future, act for the planet

CPR Invest – Climate Action invests in international equities committed to limiting the impact of climate change. The fund is co-launched with CDP, a leading NGO in the field of environmental disclosure.

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Why Climate Action?

The Earth's temperature is rising at an unprecedented rate, with irreversible changes.  As a result, the current environmental challenge is to curb these changes; Our future depends on it. 

We all have a role to play in the fight against climate change: 

  • Acting for the climate means acting for the future of humanity;
  • Organisations have a central role to play on climate change;
  • International cooperation has a key role in driving action on climate change. 

It is now investors turn to take action on climate change 

Climate Action - Act Now

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Why CPR Invest - Climate Action?

An innovative investment solution with a sustainable approach to managing climate-related financial risks

Committed to limiting the impact of climate change in line with the United Nations 13th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)

Exclusive partnership with CDP, a worldwide-reaching NGO pioneer in carbon disclosure

Note: All trademarks and logos used for illustrative purposes here above are the property of their respective owners . For details on the investment objective and policy, please refer to the prospectus and the Key Investor Information Document. The Sub-Fund does not offer performance or capital guarantee

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