ISIN: LU1941682418
As of
Video: 1:41 mins - Introducing sustainable future fund

Shaping a better world is a rewarding decision

Amundi Funds Multi-Asset Sustainable Future is a conservative and high conviction ESG portfolio that aims to deliver sustainable and attractive returns through an active multi-asset approach.


Responsible Investing with Multi-Asset Sustainable Future

Conservative Profile

Seeking capital growth with a balanced and conservative mind-set (5-7% volatility)*

Diversified investing across a broad range of assets.                           

Responsible Investing is in our DNA

We believe responsible institutions perform better in the long run while having a positive impact.

Our high conviction approach aims to uncover compelling investment ideas that tackle global challenges. 

Stable and Experienced team

Built on experience developed over 32 years.                                                   

*The internal guidelines referenced do not necessarily represent prospectus / statutory limitations. These internal guidelines are used as guidance in the daily management of the portfolio’s investments. These guidelines are subject to change and should not be relied upon as a long term view of the portfolio’s exposures, limitations and/or risks. Diversification does not guarantee a profit or protect against a loss.

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To build our portfolio, we follow these four steps

1. Asset Allocation

2. Value-based Exclusions

3. Best-in-class

4. Conviction based selection

Defining the asset allocation weights based on the macro backdrop                      

Negative screening of countries/companies based on our ethical values

Positive screening to identify the best ESG rated issuers/stocks

Seeking fundamentally sound companies with a positive impact based on our ESG criteria

Selecting the best ideas with Global Equities and Euro Corporate Bonds (Investment universe - 5,600 companies)

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